Clutch 22

This clutch hatched on 7/17/23. There are 6 red, 4 yellow and 1 rotten banana neos! The Sire “Ganymede”, JL1404 (RW I x EB-94-07) is from my Clutch 10. The Dam “Europa”, JL1504 (RW 5.19.99 x JL0709) is from my Clutch 12.

Sire - Ganymede (JL1404)

Dam - Europa (JL1504)

Clutch Stats

Copulations: 9

Ovulation: 4/16/23

Eggs laid: 5/30/23

# of Eggs: 12 + 6 unfertilized

Egg weights: 14.2 – 17.5 grams

Hatch date: 7/17/23